Learning that Jen Karner is a fan of The Hobbit, Buffy and Supernatural might automatically make us friends. While I don’t always get excited about horror, I absolutely love the sound of their debut, Cinders of Yesterday. It’s a sapphic paranormal romance that Jen markets as “Supernatural, but make it lesbians”—now tell me you’re not interested!
Much like me, inspiration for stories comes from everywhere and everything that Jen consumes, including LARPing. Which honestly is the coolest thing ever, since I’ve always been so fascinated by that world. As a queer person, she’s looking to write stories about queer people saving the world, kicking butt and falling in love along the way.
Their debut is out now—it’s available wide and in audiobook—while she works on the second in the series. Tentatively titled, Sins of Survival, the book doesn’t have a release date yet, but I’d recommend keeping your eyes and ears peeled!
Who or what inspired you to write?
I don’t really remember what first inspired me to start writing because I tried to write my first story when I was in first grade. My parents read us Black Beauty and The Hobbit as a kid, so I’d say those two books light the love of stories and there was never any going back.
What’s the best and worst part about being an indie author?
The best part is definitely the community. I love connecting with other indie authors, lifting each other up and supporting one another as we build friendships and careers. The worst part is having to wear so many hats and not get lost in social media, newsletters, promo, etc, to the point that there isn’t time (or spoons!) for getting the actual writing done.
When you’re not writing, what do you do to get the creative juices flowing?
I inhale stories. Sometimes it’s reading, or TV shows, but movies, podcasts, video games, and LARPing also really get my creative flow going. If I’m actively trying to get things going so I can write, I also journal by hand because it activates different parts of your brain, and can make it easier to get to writing.
If you were to recommend books to me (in any genre), what would they be?
Oh man. The Luminous Dead by Caitlin Starling, Dead Silence by S.A. Barnes, and Mexican Gothic by Silvia Moreno-Garcia for Horror picks. Gideon the Ninth from Tamsyn Muir (but I mean the entire Locked Tomb series) is amazing. For Cosmic Horror it HAS to be Sister, Maiden, Monster by Lucy A. Snyder. Last but definitely not least is The Foxglove King by Hannah A. Whitten is a delicious fantasy that I loved this year.
What are your top 5 tips or pieces of advice for aspiring authors?
Keep what works and toss the rest: There is tons of advice out there, use what works for you and ignore the stuff that doesn’t.
Keep your eyes on your own paper: It’s easy to get distracted by other people’s success but comparing your journey to someone else’s is the path to bad times. Keep your head down, and focus on your stories.
Find your process: Find the right tools whether that’s vision boards, journaling, craft books, the right processor, etc. etc. Find what helps you to get excited about your work and dive in whole hog.
Spite is your friend: Look. Sometimes you just have to say to the world “Fuck you, I’m gonna do this and its gonna be amazing bc you said I couldn’t and like hell do I let you win.”
Just. Keep. Writing.: THIS is the important one. Keep writing. Even when it’s hard, and the words don’t work right. Keep writing because if you love it, and it consumes you, in the end that’s the important part. The writing.
Why did you choose romance as the genre to write in? What is your favorite thing about the genre?
Romance honestly came as a secondary genre for me. I write what I like to call “SFF & Horror with Kissing” because my main plots aren’t necessarily romance, but romance is an integral part of the story. I love how self indulgent romance can be, because we can write the love interests we wish we saw in the world. It’s wish fulfillment in the best way. Besides, who doesn’t like giggling and kicking their feet while writing flirting and sexy banter???
What are your most and least favorite tropes?
My favorite tropes include: only one bed, second chance lovers, friends to lovers, enemies to lovers, I’m mean because I like you, flirting with weapons, and who did this to you. My least favorite trope is the pregnancy trope. Past that I don’t have any hard lines.
What are some tropes you want to write in the future?
Enemies to lovers, there’s only one bed, and Who Did This To You are all on my list for future projects. Some of them are further away than others.

What inspired your published stories? How and when did you come up with these stories and plots?
My debut was inspired by the paranormal shows like Buffy and Supernatural that I grew up with, but I find inspiration all over the place everyday. I like to say that when it strikes, it’s like a character, or a scene, or an element just starts beating me about the head until I pay attention. The inspiration for Cinders of Yesterday, my debut, showed up somewhere around 2010 I think…but I carried it so long I honestly don’t remember what was the thing that told me THIS was the idea for my first finished novel.
Can you briefly tell me about your book?
Cinders of Yesterday is the first novel in the Legacy of Shadows series, which is a sapphic paranormal romance. A hunter looking for revenge for her murdered partner, and a young woman whose magic was bound to protect her collide in a weird little town in Maryland where they must work together to take down the necromancer who wants them both dead. I originally pitched it as “Supernatural, but make it lesbians.”
Do you already have a favorite character from the stories you’ve written?
That’s such a hard question because I love all of my characters, even my villains. I refer to them as my imaginary friends until a book is published. That being said, I think Dani Black, one of the protagonists from Cinders of Yesterday is my current fave. She’s just so much fun to write!
If you were to cast your book for a movie/television show, who would you cast in the lead roles?
Oh I love this So Much! Dani Black would be played by Tatiana Maslany, because she has the perfect vibe. For Emilie, Hayden Panettiere would be amazing because she is closer to Emilie’s body type, which would be really important. Spectre, my main villain would be Ben Barnes because he can do hot but sinister so well. Letitia Wright and Kofi Siriboe would be Andry and Merc. Last but not least, would be Joe played by Joe Batista. Is this a dream casting? Yes. So let’s shoot for the stars!
How much of yourself do you put into these characters?
There are pieces of me in every character I write. Emilie’s hand tremors are actually a condition I live with, and Dani’s mantra of “survive now, fall apart later” are both big pieces of me. I absolutely use my personal experiences and life to inform my characters, and people close to me can see those nuggets as I leave them like a breadcrumb trail.
Is there one common element that readers can find in all your stories?
Queer people living their lives, kicking evil in the face, building their lives and saving the world. Also sarcasm, and so much banter.
What’s next on the bookshelf for you? Anything you can tell us about a future project?
I’m currently working on the second Legacy of Shadows books, tentatively titled Sins Of Survival which continues the story that starts in Cinders of Yesterday. I also have an adult horror novel centering around a creepy lake cult that is currently being revised lightly as I draft Sins of Survival.
When you write these stories, what are you hoping your readers will feel?
I hope they feel seen. I’m a queer millennial, and I grew up never seeing myself reflected in the books I read. I was told at 21 that I’d never be published because my stories were queer, and I proved them wrong. I just want people like me to have stories that reflect their lives, and give them stories about queer people where their queerness isn’t the most important part of their story. Also I hope they get a little spooked, or are screaming by the end, because seeing those reviews always makes me a little giddy.
Paperbacks, hardbacks, ebooks or audiobooks
Contemporary, fantasy, historical or romantic suspense
Single or Dual POV
Standalones, series or standalones in a series
Open door, ajar door and closed door romances
Music or silence when writing
Plotter, pantser or plantser
Water, tea, coffee or….wine?
Cold or warm weather
Write better in the morning, afternoon or night?
Illustrated or photo cover?
Jen can be found on Instagram, Facebook, Bluesky and TikTok. Make sure to join their Facebook Group and don’t forget to sign up for their newsletter!